Get Qibla direction, Prayer time and Ramdan alerts instantly.
Qibla locator and Prayer time is a very useful application to find Qibla direction, get accurate prayer times and prayer alerts. Any where you can find Qibla direction instantly, get prayer times alert and offer prayers on time conveniently. Very handy application for every Muslim, almost all juristic time available Shafii, Hanfii, Malki, Hanbali etc.
- Largest collection of countries and cities.
- Accurate prayer timing calculator on basis of your current location.
- Animated compass to get Qibla direction.
- Ramdan Calender for Sehar Iftar Status
- Offer multilingual support i.e Spanish, Arabic, French, Russian etc.
- Clear Azan audio, by default Azan is mute for all prayers you can unmute Azan for any prayer time.
- On home screen display all prayer timings, Islamic calendar date, your current location and remaining time in next prayer.
- From settings Select your country,city, juristic, method, GPS on/off, language and mute unmute Azan audio.
- Free to install and simple to use.
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